
Chess Sudoku - puzzlephil

Chess Sudoku


Chess Sudokus are a variation of Sudoku. Their structure resembles a chess board but in different shapes. The emty cells have to be filled with the numbers from 1 to N which equals the number of the longest row or column. In all rows and columns (rook's move), all block regions (if existing) and all diagonals (bishop's move) no number may appear twice.

Sample Puzzles

Chess Sudoku #1

Chess Sudoku #1

Chess Sudoku #2

Chess Sudoku #2

Chess Sudoku #3

Chess Sudoku #3

Chess Sudoku #4

Chess Sudoku #4

Chess Sudoku #5

Chess Sudoku #5

Chess Sudoku #6

Chess Sudoku #6

Chess Sudoku #7

Chess Sudoku #7

Chess Sudoku #7

Chess Sudoku #7

Chess Sudoku #9

Chess Sudoku #9

Chess Sudoku #10

Chess Sudoku #10

Chess Sudoku #11

Chess Sudoku #11

Chess Sudoku #12

Chess Sudoku #12

